Thursday, April 9, 2009

Education Department

About four years ago, Living History Farms dropped the term “field trip” from its education brochure, and replaced it with “Learning Excursions.” This was done at the request of the LHF Education Advisory Committee. The teachers and educators on the committee felt that “field trip” carried a negative connotation in the minds of school administrators and school boards. They felt that “field trip” equated “a day off from learning” in the minds of the decision-makers at schools. We know that this is not the case when students visit LHF.

Other Educational Tidbits
• The LHF Education Advisory Committee is meeting on Saturday, April 18th, from 9:30 - 12:00 at the Conference Center. Welcome to the newest member of the group, Marilyn Jungman, the Title I teacher for 5th grade and the “Reading is Fundamental” coordinator for Saydel Schools.

• Students from Evergreen Park High School, a suburb of Chicago, will be here for three days of programming on American history from April 18-20.

• The summer interns will be arriving on Monday, May 18, to begin their training. Look for details about a welcoming picnic and intern seminars in the next edition of the Plough Share.

• Space is still available in the following adult education classes! Sign up is through the Des Moines Schools’ Community Education at 515.242.8521, or visit the LHF web site and register on-line!
Sat., April 18: Advanced Hearth Cooking
Sat., April 18: Norwegian Smorgasbord
Sun., April 19: Advanced Cooking and Baking with a Wood-burning Stove

--- written by Dan, Education Manager

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