Monday, July 12, 2010

40 Famous Iowans - Judith Foster

Judith Foster was born in Massachusetts in 1840. Foster was an American lecturer. She lectured on a wide variety of topics and published a book in 1882 entitled Constitutional Amendment Manual. She also wrote several pamphlets concerning temperance as well. In 1869, she moved to Clinton, Iowa with her son and husband. She studied law and in 1872, was admitted to the State Bar.

Foster was officially the first woman to practice law in Iowa. While initially she practiced on her own, later in her career, she formed a partnership with her husband. She also became one of the first women to practice in Iowa’s Supreme Court. She later focused on another strong interest which was temperance work. She became the superintendent for the Legislative Department of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union. During this period, she became a rigorous supporter and advocate for better women’s suffrage in politics. In 1907, she was appointed as a special agent of the Federal Department of Justice.

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