Friday, August 27, 2010

40 Famous Iowans - John B. Newhall

John Newhall came to Iowa from Massachusetts to travel Iowa during its earliest days of settlement. During his career, he published two books describing all of Iowa in general to settlers coming to the area. The books described terrain, weather, prices of different products and much more. They went into great detail as to talk about each county in particular and what made it unique. It talked about rivers, lakes, prairies and timbers.

The first book was entitled, “Sketches of Iowa, or the Emigrant’s Guide” and was published in 1841. The second was called, “The Emigrant’s Guide and State Directory” which was published in 1846. Newhall’s works did much to help bring more settlers into not just Iowa, but the Midwest in general. He also traveled the country lecturing about what to expect when getting to Iowa and preparing to settle. John Newhall gave settlers who were new to the area a great advantage. Without his insight, many may have not chosen to make Iowa their home.

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