Wednesday, September 8, 2010

40 Famous Iowans - Modern Ioway Tribe

Today much of the Ioway Native American tribes are not in Iowa, as much as they are around it. The main locations of the tribes are in Kansas, Oklahoma and Nebraska. They are located along the Missouri River on a reservation that is approximately 2,100 acres. In Kansas, as of 1995, the population was 2,147. The tribe in Kansas and Nebraska is chartered under the Reorganization Act of 1934. Their first constitution was adopted on November 6, 1978. The body of tribes today that govern the Ioway is called the Executive Committee. All members within this committee hold 3-year terms, and then elections are undergone.

The tribe’s economy is mostly run by agriculture, cattle, grain processing and Tribal Bingo which later turned into a casino. The modern tribes do all that is possible to follow the lifestyles and customs of their ancestors. At Living History Farms, staff have worked closely with members of the Ioway tribe to create the 1700 Ioway Indian Farm. Visitors can experience how authentic crops were grown, where the tribe members would have lived, and typical “chores” an Ioway farmer would have done.

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