Monday, September 6, 2010

40 Famous Iowans - Sarah Huftalen

Born in Manchester, Iowa in 1865, Sarah Huftalen was born as a typical farm girl. Yet, the life she led would be called anything but typical for a Midwestern woman of her time. When she grew older she became a very accomplished school and college teacher. She married a man much older than herself and went on to care greatly for both her family and her life’s work.

What she is known best for however is her writing. Also, she wrote many essays, teacher’s guides and poetry. In total, she wrote over 3,500 pages about her life as a daughter, sister, mother, historian and public figure. She goes into great detail about her feelings, life through each of the stages and how her roles had intertwined, as well as he effects each role she lived had on her. In short, the diaries were an autobiography about her life in Iowa and show us the differences between women then and what struggles and triumphs they made it through during their lives.

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